What is love 03

Love? If this is what you are looking for, then here are some important things that might just be the one you need. A lot of people these days are looking for love especially those who are not as blessed as others are. Oftentimes, they tend to seek for a psychic love help to enlighten them with their needs when it comes to their love life.
What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love
A good and reliable psychic reader is not just good at love aspect of life but also anything that has to do with all the things happening in your life. Oftentimes, they provide everything you need to know regarding the person you love the most.

What is love 02

What have women got that men just can't stop going crazy over them? Is it because of love or lust? What makes those two diverge? At the early age of puberty, men feels fascinated to women. They have the penchant also to be attracted to older girls even at the age of 7. This is because older girls are a lot sexier and attractive. It looks they see their mother in older girls. Younger men feel pampered by older women. Older women tend to understand younger men more particularly in their mood. But as they grow older, men love women younger than them or at their age.

How can you actually define love or differentiate love from lust? Is it love that men felt when they spot a woman and feel something? Well I could declare that it would take time to finally conclude that what he or she feels is already that issue called love.
What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

What is love

Love is past physical, it is something you can't touch. When you can forgive and forget what a person has caused you, then that is love.

Lust, on the other hand is still an feeling that is merely physical.This is linked with the feeling of craving a person sexually but oftentimes leads to Love and wanting to impart something beyond physical.

You can say you really love a person if in a longer span of time, you remain fascinated to him or her physically and later on turned into something sensitively distinctive.

Steps to draw men:

1) Fill up your love tank- love the people surrounding you, welcome their decency, love yourself. Men are more fascinated to women who illustrate that they are to be respected and valued. Friends can help particularly affectionate and wonderful friends. It will present in your well-being if you are full of love and when you are full of love, you can love others already.
2) Cook up Love - Be the master of the kitchen and attract your man through his stomach.
3) Be yourself - While men loves being pursued, most men still love to chase women. Shine in other things so he would perceive you; for example if he is a school mate then excel in the classroom. If he is a neighbor who doesn't even give a look, then start by giving the mother some new recipes to cook. Act as if he's not your goal and let him target you instead.

Men are born polygamous and they tend to glance elsewhere and this is extremely important when looking for a mate. We don't know for sure how to keep his attention unless of course if he really loves you that much not to consider hurting your feelings. You have to take the chance, for it might be precious in the end and anyway life is a risk you have to take and that incorporates loving someone.

Men have crabbiness too that need women to shut up so it is important to know the nature of men. Listen and don't nag but be sharp in studying the thin line that separates listening and enabling your partner to fool you. Solving troubles in a relationship is in the hands of a woman. It is hard for women to keep their men and keep them interested with them all the time. Keep you man enthralled with you through these steps:

1) The center of a relationship should be reliance.Faith and trust must at all times be present.

1) CREATE MOMENTS TOGETHER. Typically men do this; out of the blue men would propped a date in some passionate place just for two; a candlelight dinner, with a music in the background or may be a little bit offhand as just walking in Manila Bay at sunset, a picnic at the Park or in the Zoo, for those of smaller budget, but whatever it is what is important is that you make some moments together, because that is what life is all about.

2) Share your dreams and aspirations to your loved one. Your relationship does not consist of you alone so when it comes to your thoughts and aspirations, see if it fits with his. How close or far apart, similar or conflicting are your dreams and his dreams, then you'll know if you are to go on this relationship or not. Never give up a dream just to satisfy your partner's emotional insecurities as this will be the cause of the potential breakdown of your relationship in the end.

3) DON'T NAG. Learn to listen to your partner's side and don't be a faultfinder. Your relationship must have trust in order to have future. Nurture and win trust instead of abusing it.

4) Be a friend first and became lovers later on. Lovers should only be second from friendship to make it continue longer.

What is love 01


Recently, I picked up a great book, Act Like A Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey. Overall, I love the book except one part of it gave me pause and made me reflect. It was in the chapter about “Why Men Cheat” on their wives, girlfriends, etc. Harvey’s basic answers are: 1) They Can. 2) They Think They Can Get Away With It. 3) He Hasn’t Become Who He Wants and Needs to Be or Found Who He Truly Wants. 4) What’s Happening at Home Isn’t Happening Like it Used To. 5) There’s Always a Woman Out There Willing to Cheat With Him. And, ultimately he explains the man hasn’t got his priorities straight especially in having a real and meaningful spiritual practice in his life.

Ok. So far, so good. And, I also agree with what Harvey says regarding why a man is able to get away with his cheating and lying behavior with the women he is with. One reason this happens Harvey explains (using my paraphraze of what he says not his exact words now) is because any woman he is with hasn’t set high enough standards in her life to respect and love herself enough to see what is going on right in front of her and take a stand about it. She basically colludes in the notion that denial is good for you. After all, “What you don’t know won’t hurt you.” And, since her denial lets him get away with what he wants to, he is happy to join in on the denial party with her. But, denial is not good for you and it feeds one of my four major love myths I discuss in my Attracting Real Love course — love is blind. Wrong! Real love actually requires 20 - 20 vision because you only know how to really love yourself and others when you are seeing what you need to see clearly.

Which is why when I read this in Harvey’s book I decided I couldn’t disagree more. He says if a woman starts to catch on to a man’s cheating and lying behavior and starts to ask questions a man is going to just do more of his lying and denying game. Why? Harvey says men will do this “if we care about you. But, if not — if a man doesn’t see you fitting into his life plan — he won’t even bother with all of the covering up.” WHOA!!! Come on, Steve! I know the rest of your book also says that a man who really loves a woman won’t cheat, but let’s clear this up right now! Le’t not make it seem like somebody is cheating and hiding the truth from someone out of love. No way, no how!

So, why do we really lie? Plain and simple We’re afraid. Period. Why are we afraid? We don’t love ourselves or the people around us enough to live in truth. And, real love requires the truth. Not some blunt rude make people feel stupid and horrible version of truth. But, truth nonetheless! And, if you want proof of who has the most loving relationships going on between them? Well, it’s between people who can live in truth completely. They love and respect each other so much they want to be honest with them. They care about not hurting them. They care about being loved and respected in return for who they are flaws and all. And, they want a partner who can hear the truth and help bring it all into the realm of consciousness in a loving way and heal any fear in the realm of love. That means the more a couple lies to each other, the more they actually are in fear of each other, which means love really isn’t very present at all.

Now, why do we refuse to live in truth? It’s simple. We are thinking more about ourselves and coming from our egos. We simply don’t want to have to face the consequences of what we are doing and be forced to change our hurtful behaviors. We don’t want to feel bad about ourselves by having to see clearly what is really going on. Or, to share another quote, We tell lies when we are afraid… afraid of what we don’t know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger. ~Tad Williams. In short, we are afraid to love and feed fear in our lives instead.

Ok, I don’t expect people to be perfect. But, try this on for size. Next time you catch yourself or other people telling lies ask yourself this, “What am I afraid of and how does this reflect a lack of love in myself or a lack of love regarding the people I am with?” Then, ask this, “What would it be like to love myself and others enough to be willing to take the scrape, instead of give one?”

Notice this as well. Despite what people say finding out the truth doesn’t hurt! What hurts is discovering how much there was a lack of love and how real love was replaced by deception and fear. Remember, real love heals it doesn’t hurt. And, though it may hurt to find out about lies, shedding them actually opens you up to attracting more real love in your life creating space for the rapture described in the main quote above — for yourself and the people around you.


Dr. Lisa Love

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